These Good Ole Days

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Use Buildings to cut noise pollution

Noise pollution from masses of fast-moving cars will never be fully stopped, highways will always have a noise associated with them, no matter what electric car companies may say.

Fun fact: Above a certain speed, somewhere around 20 mph, most of the noise from cars comes from their tires, specifically the rubber of the tires making contact with the payment. (Below this speed, most of the noise comes from the engine)

This means that we need to plan for this noise pollution now, and there is a simple solution.

Warehouses and other large, tall buildings should all be pushed up against highways to block the sound from escaping into residential and community areas. This can include tall skyscraper business buildings as well. These buildings are not meant to be hung out at, many are noisy already, and most people working in and around these buildings are protected from the sounds of cars already with concrete and steel walls and thick glass.

Slowing down cars, making places mixed use and walkable to limit car trips and turning stroads back into streets all are very important steps to take as well.

Okay, nearly all warehouse buildings in America are not made for sitting, but I still absolutely love this thoughtful design for the humans that work here- Bike racks, benches and trash cans! Yeah, I am pretty certain this is not in the U.S.

While I do not recommend that this noise control be done with housing (defeats the entire point), you can probably imagine, from these images below, the noise blocking that they would be able to accomplish.

Or we can follow South Korea’s lead and build these awesome structures…

But, you know, that’s far and above where the US is at now so that will be a long time coming…

And on smaller but still loud roads businesses like car mechanics can provide a good buffer for the streets behind it…

Obviously this needs to be carefully done so that calm and quiet streets to not become loud or inhospitable with fumes.

And warehouse districts must have at least some stretch of road between the buildings and highway entrance ramps to ensure that the truck tires and beds are able to rid themselves of projectile rocks before they get around other cars.